Fragments A.K.A. Incomplete Thoughts Fragments Zakee Howze
Never to grow up: Preventing Violence in our schools
Le code du teletravailleur Savine Bernard
The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx/HAYMARKET BOOKS/Alex Callinicos
Verkehrsmanagementzentralen in KommunenEine vergleichende Darstellung
Following Marx: Method, Critique, and Crisis/HISTORICAL MATERIALISM/Michael A. Lebowitz
Church Joseph W. Michels
Alasdair Macintyre's Engagement with Marxism: Selected Writings 1953-1974/HISTORICAL MATERIALISM/Alasdair MacIntyre
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The Pilot's Manual: Ground School: Pass the FAA Knowledge Exam and Operate as a Private or Commercia/AVIATION SUPPLIES & ACADEMICS/The Pilot's Manual Editorial Team
Capitalism's Contradictions: Studies of Economic Thought Before and After Marx/HAYMARKET BOOKS/Henryk Grossman
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The Case for Socialism/HAYMARKET BOOKS/Alan Maass