ISBNコード 9780824524203

With Jesus Every Day: How Believing Transforms Living/CROSSROADS/Christoph Von Schonborn


商品イメージ ISBN 9780824524203 With Jesus Every Day: How Believing Transforms Living/CROSSROADS/Christoph Von Schonborn 本・雑誌・コミック 画像


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コード番号 9780824524203
コードタイプ ISBN
商品名 With Jesus Every Day: How Believing Transforms Living/CROSSROADS/Christoph Von Schonborn
発売日 2007年
商品ジャンル 本・雑誌・コミック > 洋書 > SOCIAL SCIENCE
コメント From his popular public addresses to his New York Times op-ed on evolution and faith, Christoph Cardinal Schoenborn has emerged as a worldwide figure in Catholic intellectual life. In this new book, Cardinal Schoenborn invites the reader to a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Jesus in our daily lives. This book offers a clear and accessible presentation of Catholic faith: topics include the voice of conscience, freedom in Christ, and acting responsibly. This book conveys the hope and practical confidence that are the gifts of an active faith.


著者名 Christoph Von Schonborn Christoph Schoenborn
出版年度 2007
言語情報 ENG
ページ数情報 192
フォーマット代表(名称) Hardcover